Now Proudly Part of the Pete & Gerry’s Family

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Eggs

Yes, egg cartons may be composted!

They’re a good addition to a heap, especially one that is heavy with “greens“- the structure of the cardboard can help aerate a heavy heap and the cardboard can help soak up excess moisture.

They do need some moisture to break down though – if your heap is dry, splash some water on them and/or tear them up if you want them to break down quicker.  Our labels are printed with soy ink and are made of paper so they are safe for your pile.

Both the USDA and National Organic Program prohibit the use of genetic modification in certified organic products. Farmers’ Hen House organic eggs are always GMO-free.

Learn more about our organic eggs.

The hens that produce our cage-free omega-3 eggs eat a regular diet, along with the addition of flax seeds. Flax is high in omega-3, and this essential fatty acid is passed through the hen’s eggs.

Double yolk eggs are fairly common and completely normal. You will find them most often in our jumbo cartons. That’s because double yolk eggs are heavier and our eggs are packaged by weight. Young hens are the most likely to lay double yolk eggs.

Yes. The use of hormones in poultry is prohibited in the United States; our eggs contain no hormones. We also avoid using antibiotics on our hens. Instead, we focus on superior care to keep them healthy at all times.

Yes. As long as you store your eggs at or below 45 degrees, they‘re safe to use for another two to three weeks beyond the sell by date. Eggs change the longer you store them. The whites become runnier, but the shells are easier to peel after you’ve hard boiled them.

Our Hens

The Certified Humane program prohibits farmers from feeding their hens any kind of animal protein or animal byproduct. To make sure our hens get the proper nutrition, we feed them a balanced vegetarian diet.

If you’ve ever been hen pecked, then you know that beaks are sharp. For the safety of their bird flocks, our farmers practice a very minimal form of beak trimming. The Certified Humane program has a strict policy on beak trimming. According to their guidelines, only the tip of the beak is trimmed—the sharp hook at the end—and only trained professionals may do the trimming on hens 10 days or younger. When hens mature, the only sign is a rounded top edge instead of a sharp hook. The Certified Humane program ensures that hens can still engage in all their natural behaviors: eating, drinking, and pecking normally.

Our chicken feed is made up of three basic ingredients: corn, soybeans, and minerals. Other grains may be added to the feed depending on what is seasonably available to our farmers. Our organic hens eat a 100 percent certified organic diet. In fact, most of our Amish and Mennonite family farmers grow their own organic grains to feed their hens. Our cage-free farmers feed their hens a conventionally grown diet, formulated by local feed mills.

Pasture-raised organic hens have more land designated as outdoor access in order to provide additional square footage per bird. Great for the bird, great for the land, and great for your eggs. 108 square feet per bird!

Our Certifications

These hens enjoy a healthy diet void of any antibiotics, chemical pesticides or GMOs. Research shows that USDA Organic eggs contain higher levels of antioxidants and other nutrients, like omega-3 and CLA essential fatty acids. They also keep the soil free of toxic herbicides and pesticides, which is better for you and the environment.

Free-range means, our hens are never confined or placed in cages. Free-Range hens live in barns meeting Certified Humane® requirements. Our open barns have perches, privacy nests, and dust baths. In addition to having large open barns, our hens are able to move between indoors and outdoors, they have access to the outdoors at a minimum of 2 sq. ft./hen outdoors, with plenty of grass and shade. Free-Range Organic hens are fed a non-GMO organic diet.

Certified Humane Raised and Handled® is a voluntary program created by Humane Farm Animal Care to verify that farmers treat their hens with the utmost care and respect. The Certified Humane program sets strict standards for proper environment and flock management. Learn more here.