Now Proudly Part of the Pete & Gerry’s Family

bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich

Bacon, Eggcloud, & Cheese Sandwich

Prep Time


Cook Time


Serving Yield


High quality pasture-raised eggs, free-range eggs, and organic eggs have always had us on cloud nine.  Not to mention delicious bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches!  But now that cloud has come down and we’re not only on it, but in it!  This recipe is quick, easy, and will be a crowd pleaser with kids and adults alike!



4 Farmers Hen House eggs

8 slices of white or brioche bread

Your favorite grilled cheese cheeses (we used white American cheese)

8 slices of bacon


Salt and pepper

1/4 cup chives, chopped


Step 1

Preheat oven to 350.

Step 2

Cool bacon in skillet over medium heat to desired crispiness.

Step 3

Separate the egg whites and yolks in two separate bowls. Be careful not to break the yolks.

Step 4

Using hand mixer, beat egg whites until stiff peaks form.

Step 5

Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper and spray lightly with non stick spray.

Step 6

Divide the whites into 4 roundish servings on the baking tray. Make a dent in the center to add the yolks later.

Step 7

Bake the whites for 7 minutes or until beginning to brown.

Step 8

Remove from oven, and add one yolk to the center of each white and season all of it with salt and pepper .

Step 9

Bake for 5 minutes.

Step 10

While eggs are cooking use the bread, cheese, and bacon to assemble your grilled cheese.

Step 11

Butter outside of bread and cook sandwich over medium hearty til browned on both sides.

Step 12

To serve, place the cloud egg on top of sandwich.  Garnish with chives if using.

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