Now Proudly Part of the Pete & Gerry’s Family

Farming Like The World Depends On It

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When we say we’re farming like the world depends on it, we mean that everything we do, from where we get our energy to what we feed our hens, prioritizes the sustainability and health of the world above all.  We’re farming for the legacy of generations to come, just as our ancestors from old farmed with us in mind.

While this type of farming is costly, farming NOT with the world in mind is infinitely more costly.  A cost too great for any of us to afford.

Solar panels for processing plant

Grain Cycle e1601410799447That’s why our processing plant and many of our small family farms are 100% solar powered.  By harnessing the power of the sun we’re able to drastically lower our carbon footprint, and keep our plant running sustainably.

That’s why the majority of our small family farms have created an On-Farm Grain Cycle, which grows the  grain for feeding the hens right on the farm!  This process prevents us from having to be dependent on outside feed mills, and in doing so, assures we know exactly what is in our hens’ feed, where it comes from, and how it was grown.

Organic Free Range TopFHH Free Range Top Flat     FHH Pasture Raised Top Flat



That’s why we come from small Amish and Mennonite farms in the most concentrated area of certified organic farms in the world.  We farm with the future in mind, because envisioning a life without farming is impossible for us to do. 50C38A3B 8008 4F6D A0A9 29BB57AA9C94 1 201 a 1 scaled 1

Most importantly, we’re farming like the world depends on it because we know that your world depends on you.